2011年1月22日 星期六

Japanese Drama-流れ星

So long time I didn't watch Japanese Drama, but today the story of the drama which touched me. I think every events around us is so extraordinary, but we so lucky. maybe when we eat dinner with my family or make a phone to lover are so easy, but in the world everything are so magical which we never Carefully think. The drama can let to know all things are lucky. 
We never got terminally ill, never near die, but we always complain some matters or argue with my parents.
We must to know why we can breathe in the world, why we can see or to learn.
Try to Say thanks to parent, to your brother and sister.

2011年1月18日 星期二

Do you want to have exotic pet?

I really don't like some people have exotic pet. because it could be made invasive species grown and kill local animal.
This TV program of Discover channel have been playing about the invasive species which became killer.
actually, anyone should not have exotic pet.
search on Internet you can find such more information. like one case of Pingtung county in TAIWAN. Some people feeding crocodile for business and providing to visit, but near years in TAIWAN always had horrible typhoon and those crocodile run away into the river. now, Pingtung river can catch crocodile everywhere, it's unbelievable for everyone.
then, we understand tiger fish in California made big trouble, we know some traders import live fish into USA. and provide people eat or watch. and when people feel those fish be fierce, they put they out in lake or river and tiger fish ate everything which lived in lake...,they had be killers.
sometimes we just focus some interesting animal and want to have them. like bird or lizard and snake...but is always lives,when you can't feed them, what will you do?